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“It is possible to identify someone by means of a fingerprint. One can also recognize a voice. A voice comes from within the body, it floats on the breath and in that sense it is one of an individual’s most personal instruments. Myriam Van Imschoot has had ‘a voice’ in the world of dance for many years: when she was a critic she wrote about William Forsythe, Steve Paxton, Marc Vanrunxt and others; as a historian she published work on Le Sacre du Printemps and on improvisation, and as a dramaturge she worked with Meg Stuart, Benoît Lachambre, Philipp Gehmacher and others. She is also the founder of Sarma, the digital platform for dance-related criticism, dramaturgy and research. From 2007 she started to develop her own artistic work and presented a series of sound installations, performance and video. In two productions by the theatre group Tristero, Living and The Search Project, she acted as coach and (co)director. Her career has moved from theory to practice, from spectator to maker. With Living Archive she creates an associative poem of sound and image, a collection of voices and sounds in which she herself appears as the guardian of the voices, as a ventriloquist who brings the archives to life.” Marianne Van Kerkhoven in Kaaitheater brochure
“Encerclée de rideaux de bandes magnétiques et d’appareils audio design ou désuets, la performeuse nous invitait au voyage dans le temps. Dans l’intimité de cette chambre d’écoute chaleureuse et calfeutrée, les voix du passé surgissaient, se mêlaient pour ouvrir des mondes parallèles, réveiller des atmosphères et, par bribes, raconter, parfois en chanson, l’Historie. Et de constater que le son est assurément un médium aussi puissant que l’image.” Cathy De Plee in Nouvelles de Danse, Printemps 11, n° 51, p. 8-9